This Blog features Melanic Tees & articles, Melanic spotlights & conversationals.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

More on Melanin..

Melanin is what contributes to the variations of skin tones. Whether red, "yellow", brown and black - all these shades of brown are attributes of Melanin. In the summer, you get natural shades of brown, skin sun kissed because during the summer the Sun is at it's highest peak giving all the Sun people that Xtra love. Similar to a Bear when it eats, Black and Melanical People can almost hibernate for 6 months without any (if worse came to this imagining) Sun aka source of Energy.

Melanin stores energy in the largest organ in your body, the Skin. Melanin protects your skin from dangerous toxins that can suppress your immune system.

You have whites and non whites, people of color because of it's source of light=energy=hue matter.

Even though, people of color are categorized by  Nationalities and diluted racial separation we maybe shouldn't continue this practice, of racial classifications. In fact, you shouldn't from this day forward classify yourself with nothing else but what is your Maker, Melanin. Instead be classified and identified with your Scientifically term, Melanin [People]. Melanin lives amongst all people of color, and dark Caucasians - Italians, Greeks, The Portuguese, the Spanish, etc - despite regions and country distances. Melanin is what is the root of all the branches in the family tree of life. It's cos of Melanin you live.

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